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Aranmore Catholic College, Leederville, WA

41 Franklin Street, Leederville 6007 08 08 9201 5200
Your school is pleased to be in partnership with Winc to deliver your books and resources. We hope that you will find the experience as straightforward as possible. Please make sure to only purchase those resources you need, depending on subject or class choice. If you do not require a resource don’t forget to use the rubbish bin on the right hand side of the screen to remove the item.

Note from your school:

Please note: Orders under the value of $60 will incur a delivery fee.
Get the Requirements List Enter your school's access key to view the requirements list.

Your access key is located at the top of the documentation provided to you by your school.

NOTE: The access key is case sensitive and should be entered as it is on the documentation provided by your school with UPPER and lower case letters.

Lost your access key? If you are having trouble you can retrieve your access key by email.